Sunday, June 27, 2010

I am IN JAPAN!!!

Hey everyone! So I had a six hour flight to Los Angeles, a ten hour flight to Japan, a 9 hour bus ride to Osaka, and a 3 hour shinkansen (Japanese bullet train) ride to Fukuoka where I an staying...sooo much traveling. Im tired lol. But I met so many new people. Japan is so beautiful and amazing!!! I am with my host family now. They are cute and nice. I start my first day of school tommorow so I am excited!

I stayed in Osaka for like 3 days. It was fun most of the time, but sometimes it was really boring when we had group sesssions for hours lol. I am trying to adjust to eating Japanese food...I have major vravings for good old American food a lot of the time. It rains here like everyday because it is the rainy season until mid July I think... I dont like the rain ahhh!!! It is my seconf day with my host family, and today I went to a welcoe party where I met other AFS students that are here for year and semester programs. They were nice.

Tonight I am having curry and rice for dinner...I hope I like curry lol. I reallly dont want to offend my family!! OH, I almost forgot Love-chan the cutest dog in the world!! I love him!! Oh ya lol, and at the orientation all of us AFSers bathed together, all naked and stuff. Awkward.....but we got used to it. It is part of Japanese culture after all. Sorry this post is all over the place lol. Using a Japanese keyboard is annoying...Well how about some pictures!!!

Japanese mountains!!!

Francesca me and Kelesa!


Traditional Japanese toilet.

Ebi-chan is the hottest Japanese guy everrr lol

My friends at the Osaka orientation.

a yummy display at a store in Japan!

Japanese toilets are wickeddd sick! All tricked out with buttons and everything!!

We got to drive by Tokyo!!! It was HUGE and full of people! I wish I could have been there longer!