Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Wow, so I just received my host family info! I have a mother, a father, a 16 year old sister, and an 18 year old brother! I also have a dog! My family lives in Fukuoka, Japan on the southern Island of Kyushu and the city name is Kurume! Soo exciting. XD I can't figure out exactly where my school is lol...its also in Fukuoka but I don't out where! I'm reallly happy because I'll get to land in Tokyo, then travel to Osaka for my orientation, and then I'll take the shinkansen to Fukuoka! Three different cities to see! Aha, also..I've actually never heard of Fukuoka before, so I think that makes it even more exciting; Staying somewhere different and new to me! Fukuoka is right in between Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well, so maybe I will even get to visit! So cool!! :p
Anyway, here are some pics I found of the area I will be staying in...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Only 3 weeks to go!

Hey everyone! So last month I was officially accepted by AFS Japan! I haven't gotten my host family or any info on where I will be staying and going to school. I hope that it comes soon because its so tenseee not knowing!!! Agh!! Theres only 3 weeks to go and I'm counting down the days, making my packing list and all that...I'll update again once I've got my host family! :)