Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well, the day has come.

It never hit me until just now, how much I'm going to miss everything and everyone here at home. I guess I've been blinded by all of the excitement and anxiousness of the trip! It's going to be tough. I'm going to have to keep busy, work hard, and get involved with everything around me! Even though I will get homesick, I know that it will pass and that I'm going to have the experience of a life time! Six whole weeks! Wow! :)

I got another e-mail from my host mom the other day. She said that I would be taking the train to school everyday! I'm so excited, I've always wanted to ride the train in Japan. She also told me she would take me to see temple and shrines, and that my host sister Emily would take me to karaoke lol. I want to see, do, and learn so much! I probably wont have access to a computer until the end of the week when I get with my host family, but when I do I'll be sure to post pictures and details of waking up in Japan for the first time!

My flight is at 6:30 tomorrow....ahh I have to get up so early because were leaving at like 4:15. Gosh. I'm going out to eat with my family (our last meal together for awhile :(...), and then I've got to pack up a few more things and get me some sleep! Bye bye for now everyone! :p