Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Less than a week away!

AHH I just can't believe it's only 5 days now! I'm finally going to be living my life long dream of going to Japan! I sent my host family a letter, e-mailed them, and then called them yesterday! It was awesome! I talked to my Otoosan (Dad) for like a minute because he didn't speak any English, and then I talked to my Okaasan (Mom) for like 10 minutes because she spoke perfect English! She told me she got both my letter and my e-mail (she e-mailed me back after the call lol), and then she told me how excited they all were to see me and everything. It really made me feel like part of the family already. There was a warm, welcoming connection between us. It was great! :D I'm going to have to tell her and my Imootosan (little sister) not to use English with me though, or else I won't learn Japanese aha!!

So aside from all that, I've been rushing around like a crazy person because its finals week (of course, right?). So I'm studying, while running around trying to buy gifts for my host family and stuff for my trip, trying to see all my friends and family before I leave, reviewing my Japanese, making a packing list, working at my job, and also trying to mentally prepare myself!! Aghh and on top of that I'm just so nervous and excited at the same time that I've got intense pre-departure stress! So I'm just a little tired lol....trying to keep everything organized is a challenge even for me. I set up a debit card for me to take out money at ATM's in Japan (its a hello kitty debit card! :3)...and I also got around 100 bucks converted into yen. Japanese money is sooo cool! Gahh I'm so excited! Well see you all later! Jaa mata!